Dear Miami citizens, are you ready for the upcoming Holiday season?! Are you already planning your family visits and organizing everything in advance in order to have the best time in Miami? Making your loved ones feel comfortable is very important, especially during Christmas. This time of year makes everyone nostalgic, and it’s a perfect […]

Are you one of those people that love using their vacation days after the summer is over? If you don’t enjoy crowded places and high temperatures, you surely prefer relaxing from work during September and October. And if you decide to visit Miami in those months – you’re in for a treat!

Spring is in the air, and with it – promises of a fantastic spring break worth remembering! And let’s not forget about the main event of the season on everybody’s mind = ULTRA MUSIC FESTIVAL! Miami is going to be the hub of all-things-EDM-related this weekend aka (March 29th – 31st 2019), so – prepare […]

So, *that* date is coming up again! Ugh. The fabled result of diabolical conspiracies between florists, heart-shaped candy makers, and postcard salesmen! Yeah, you better believe that all “happy couples” will post their obnoxious pictures all over social media, so consider this your fair warning. Better a self-appointed Facebook/Instagram/Snapchat hiatus than suffering through that annoying […]